Monday, August 22, 2011

Commodity Tips India

Naimaks 0.5 percent with durability in raw oil 83 money a gun barrel is near to the business. However, in early dealing Brent raw dropped $ 1's. Naimaks the raw oil was 82 money per gun barrel at the near. Meanwhile, precious metal costs are reaching new levels daily. On MCX, precious metal costs also went beyond the stage of Rs 28,000.

fears of a decline in the international economic climate from the distinct decrease in raw oil costs. Worldwide raw oil costs have achieved near to 82 money a gun barrel. stock marketplaces has improved the sparkle of precious metal in a bad state. Msiks precious metal has surpass the stage of Rs 28,000. Comaks at the precious metal stage of $ 1,881.

Down the speed of world raw oil economic climate seems to be on. Naimaks the raw oil lowered to $ 80. In the home industry at Rs 3,675 on the decrease in raw oil is exchanged.

To move up-wards in precious metal is still powerful. In home marketplaces, precious metal has a new record of Rs 27,500 today. Naimaks 1,850 money per ounces on precious metal is dealing near to.

Because of decreasing business constantly decrease in platform materials. Amount on MCX Birdwatcher has been out of the top 5. Other materials are exchanged on the decrease.

Advice offered to traders -

Crude oil (September Futures): Sell - 3820, stoploss -3 870 -3 700 goals

Gold (October futures): Buy - 27 300, stoploss -27 100 -27 650 goals

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